A piece about the hearing, the deaf, and the in-betweens

Na Laga’at Theater is proud to host Ebisu Sign Language Theatre Laboratory! The show, “Third Person”, was forged from the personal reflections of the actors together with the director, and from interviews with interpreters and with deaf consumers of interpreting services.

From Ebisu Sign Language Theatre Laboratory’s playbill:

First person – me, deaf
Second person — you, hearing
Third person — interpreter
I rely on her. You rely on her. She relies on both of us. One moment she is you. The next moment she is me. Who is she?
Is she being accurate? Do the movements of her hands convey the nuances of your language, your tone of voice, the pauses between the words? Does she manage to transform the rich expressiveness of sign language into speech?
She is my ear, my voice. If only I could do without her.
She calls and speaks for me with a government office. They tell her “No need to shout, miss!” She raised her voice because I was upset, she must convey my anger accurately through her voice. She is not supposed to refine my emotions.
Is any of the content of the lecture she interprets at the university saved in her memory? Or do things simply go through her, do they get deleted, in order to continue to interpret?
She interprets for me the instructions and words of encouragement from the midwife during childbirth. She interprets for me the Kaddish prayer my brother is saying for our father.
The psychologist’s questions, she signs to me. Is this therapy session a dyad or a triad? The psychologist speaks to her, explaining “what HE needs to be doing”. “HE” is me. Now, the third person is me.


Good to Know

Ebisu Sign Language Theatre Laboratory began operating in 2014 as part of the interdisciplinary research project “Grammar of the Body” (GRAMBY), led by Professor Wendy Sandler, Director of the Sign Language Research Lab at the University of Haifa. It consisted of eight deaf actors, one hearing actress, and a hearing director, Professor Atay Citron from the Department of theater at the university.

The show is in sign language with Hebrew subtitles.
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  • Thursday - 05 December - 8:30 PMBuy Now

A collaborative creation by the actors:
Shoval Ben-Ze’ev, Lee Dan, Ella Okhotin, Nurit Shalom, Alon Zeno/ Golan Zino
Director: Atay Citron
Dramaturge: Lee Dan
Stage design: Shay Id Alony
Costume design: Helen Budniatsky
Lighting design: Yair Vardi
Video: Yonathan Zur
Production and management: Gal Belsitzman
Sign Language Interpreters in Rehearsals: Dana Neria, Liora Demeter, Hila Nahari-Asraf, Tamara Halutzi