
Check in the mail

Address:  Nalaga’at Center.  Department of resource development.

HaAliya HaShnia Pier

Box 6

Jaffa Port 68031


By telephone

Contributions will be accepted by telephone with a credit card:  03-633-0813


Bank Transfer

Name of Account:  “Nalaga’at”

Bank Hapoalim – 12

Branch 611

Branch address:  16 Rothschild Boulevard, Jaffa

Account Number:  260265


Credit Card

Permitted to contribute to Jgive, secure contribution in the site Contributions by Canadians and Americans is also tax free


Round Up

In every purchase with a credit card, the amount will be rounded off. Your small change can make a big change. The average monthly contribution per person is 4 N.I.S.

Distribution of income


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