Nadav Nir


Nadav was born in Beersheba, but grew up in Rehovot.

Today, Nadav is 45 years old and is married with three children, two daughters and a son, and lives in Tel Aviv.

Nadav’s hobby is to travel the world extensively.

Nadav served in the Paratroopers Brigade in the IDF and after his discharge traveled to South America and the United States for a year. Upon his return, he began studying acting at Beit Zvi, since childhood he loved the theater and joined a youth theater group in Rehovot.

In addition to being an actor, Nadav studied graphic design and user experience design.

Nadav feels that beyond the significant challenge of the wonderful role he has taken on in the play “Children of a Lesser God,” it is a great gift and a real privilege. Not everyone has the opportunity to become acquainted with the world of the deaf so intimately and intensely.

Social Network: nadavnir

נדב ניר
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